All about yours truly

 Hi guys, my name is Aaliyah Alex and I guess I will be telling you guys some stuff about myself. Okay so for starters I am in 11th grade at Everglades High school. I have been a junior for approximately 6 days and lest just say I am already stressed. Random things to know about me are that I am terrible at math, I like to read, and I probably use my phone way too much. As much as I hate to say I am very much a procrastinator. I most likely have some assignments to do as you read this, BUT GUESS WHAT... I am doing this the day it was assigned. I am already making progress. Other than my goal to not be a procrastinator, my other academic goals include getting preferably all A's and passing all my AICE tests. 

Other than reading and being on my phone, I also love watching movies and listening to music. See when I was choosing my courses last year I came across this class and asked around to see if anyone had taken it. The people I asked said it was a pretty good class so I thought that I would give it a shot. I am really liking this class so far. Like I stated earlier I love movies. I actually prefer watching movies over actual tv shows. My love for staring at a screen for hours on end also fueled my decision of taking this course. See I say I love movies, but have I ever seen the Shining... no, the Godfather... NO, even TITANIC. I am working on it slowly but surely. I do in fact love watching rom-com and sci-fi movies. I love the Star Wars and Marvel movies as well as Pride and Prejudice and Little Women and literally any Hallmark Christmas movie. I am also an avid early 2000s rom-com watcher as well. I find them extremely entertaining. Growing up I literally just watch Pirates of the Caribbean, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and the Chronicles of Narnia on repeat. So, I would say that my love for movies most likely was created then.

Fun fact: I have no idea what I want to do when I get older, but maybe this class will help me decide, you never know. This class isn’t similar to anything I have ever taken before, and I am really excited about it. I think this is going to be a really good year and I think you guys are going to be very excited about what’s coming soon.

Thank you so much,

Aaliyah Alex 




  1. I hope you succeed in not procrastinating

  2. YOU'VE NEVER SEEN THE TITANIC???? HOW??? Please go watch it... like RIGHT NOW! It's Friday and we have a long weekend, YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE. I see that you enjoyed the Chronicles of Narnia... VERY GOOD CHOICE. Hope you go and enjoy Titanic, tell me how you enjoyed it.


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