We were assigned to create a sound story where we conveyed a story using only sounds. It was supposed to be at least one minute in length. We were so scared because our sound story was exactly 2 minutes and 1 second long. We had just made it. Anyways, we also had to create another video compiling all of the videos we took of ourselves recording these sounds. Kayla and I used the voice recording app, the camera app on our phones, and iMovie to create the wonderful project you see here. This was overall a very fun assignment to do because it allowed us to creatively tell a story without using any visuals. For starters, Kayla and I had to brainstorm some ideas for our short story. We thought of doing a loud kitchen or a forest, but in the end, we decided to create a sound story that was based in a classroom. We felt like we could really produce a clear and fun story that way.
To describe our concept in-depth, basically, at the beginning of the video you will hear a student hearing the bell and moving to their next class. They will then sit in their seat and hear their teacher saying "okay class, start taking your notes". You will next hear the student open their bag, take out their notebook, and start taking notes.
We started our process by creating a list of the potential sounds to record. As the text states our list consisted of multiple sounds including footsteps (walking between the classes), writing on a piece of paper (basically writing the notes), and the noise of chalk on a chalkboard (symbolizes a teacher writing the work down on the board).
We complied our clips of us making the sounds you heard in the sound story above in this vlog.
The first clip you see is of Kayla recording herself opening a door to get the sound of someone opening a door to go into a classroom. The second clip is of me flipping through a textbook. For this sound I had my sister record me flipping through my Pre-Calculus textbook so we can use the sound for the student flipping through theirs in class. I had a bit of trouble filming this sound because my textbook was very thick and that it did not sound right when I flipped through it so, I flipped through it in sections to sound more natural. The third clip is of Kayla opening a backpack and her making sure she captures the sound of the zipper while doing so. The next clip is of me walking back and forth to get the sounds of the footsteps you hear in the beginning. This clip was kind of frustrating to create because I kept getting a lot of excess noise in my recording so I felt like I had to walk up and down my hallway like 50 times before actually getting the shot. The last clip is of Kayla writing on a chalkboard to get the sound of the teacher writing on a chalkboard. Some other sounds we recorded but were not included in the video were me recording the sound of the bell and the sound of our school's hallways. The bell sound was extremely difficult solely because Kayla and I would always forget to hit record before the bell, but finally, before we were about to leave science class I remembered and was able to record the sound.
I loved working in pairs. Kayla and I always get along so well and I feel like we can create something great when we work together. From the beginning, we were both on the same page about what we wanted to create and how we were going to use it. As for who did what, I did most of the recording of the sounds and Kayla did the editing. Recording the sounds was very fun. I loved acting like a foley artist for a short period of time and I have definitely increased my respect for them because what they do is not easy. From what she told me about editing she really enjoyed it, but she found layering of sounds difficult. From hearing her experience as well as my peers, I would love to try to edit something on my own time or maybe for my upcoming assignments.
its working!!!! =)