Hi guys! For this blog post, we were assigned the task of analyzing 5 opening credits. I wanted to choose some opening credits from my favorite movies and T.V. shows. I used Mean Girls, Full House, The O.C, Clueless, and Legally Blonde. All these movies and T.V. shows have opening credits that have aspects that cater to the set of characters, the mood, and the content. For example, countless show titles have graphics or animations in the lettering that may express what the show is going to be about. Others include songs or scenery that may evoke a certain mood in its readers. Opening credits are crucial to any show or movie because they give their audience a preview of what they are going to be watching.
#1 Movie opening: Mean Girls:
This intro is definitely one of my favorite intros just because of how bright and happy it appears. This came out in the early 2000s and that is evident because of the bright pink and colorful intro that is commonly used in this genre back in the early 2000s. If you know anything about this movie you know about the burn book that is created by the "Plastics". I think the opening credits foreshadow how important that book is going to be to the plot through the use of the scrapbook format of the intro. The writing used looks like handwriting and the animation of the characters popping up resembles putting a picture into a scrapbook. I think including the pictures of the characters next to the actor's name was a fun touch because it gives us a look into the character's personality. The music choice of this song also gives away that this movie is an upbeat, fun movie. Think about it, if this opening credit included slow, sad-sounding music wouldn't you think that the movie genre would have been changed and this movie would be considered a sad drama.
#2 T.V. show opening: Full House:
This opening credit is a very iconic one. From the font, the song, and the montages you can probably guess that this intro is from Full House. This opening credit actually provides the audience with a lot of information about what it's about, when and where it is taking place and the mood of the show. The location of this show is obviously San Francisco, California. This piece of information comes from the shot of the Golden Gate Bridge in the beginning and the style of housing at the end. By using context clues, you can come to this assumption. Also, the font used throughout the entire show appears to be a big and bright comic font which can help determine the mood which is lighthearted and uplifting. This show did air from the late 80s to the 90s. The audience can discover this through the clothes and hairstyles of the 80s. What the characters wear in a show can tell us about the time it takes place and from the big hair and the statement clothing pieces from the 80s and 90s, we know exactly when this show takes place. Also, another way to discover the mood is through music. The song chosen is very happy and upbeat which further conveys the uplifting mood of the show. We see multiple montages of a big family having fun picnicking, riding bikes, and playing soccer, which may make us think that this show is going to be about a big, happy family and their life in San Franciso.
#3 T.V. show opening: The O.C:
This opening credit is from the O.C. which was an early 2000s show of a teenager who lived in an abusive house moving in with a rich family in California and it shows his life in high school with his friends. If you couldn't tell that this show is set in California by the shots in the beginning then I think the theme song should also help figure out the location. The theme song repeats the words "California, here we come" which serves as an indicator of the location of this show. The music is not quite as happy and upbeat as the other movie and TV theme songs, it's more dramatic which may suggest that there could be drama or serious events that occur between the characters. The brief scenes of the characters give the audience a taste of who the characters are. Also, the scene of the boat and the ending of the big pool overlooking the ocean may be an indicator that some of the characters are wealthy and live in wealthier areas.
#4 Movie opening: Clueless:
This intro comes from the 1995 movie, Clueless. The opening starts off with the title of the movie in bright letters and shapes. This evokes a fun and happy mood in its audience through the use of vibrant letters and shapes. I personally think this is very unique because you don't see title openings like this all the time. The music to me resembles a 90s early, or 2000s movie. After the title sequence, there is also a montage of Cher drivng with her friends, shopping, and picking out clothes, which I think tells a lot about her character. From the opening credit, Cher seems like a teen girl who enjoys partying, being with her friends, and shopping. Many people may also see that Cher appears to be extremely wealthy because of the pool in her backyard, her closet, and her house. Thanks to the opening credit, we have an idea of where this movie is set in, the genre, and the personality of the main character.
#5 Movie opening: Legally Blonde:
Legally Blonde is one of my favorite movies. Basically, a girl named Elle is known for being bubbly, loving, pink, a sorority girl, and dumb because of her status and appearance. After getting broken up with a fraternity boy who thinks she's not serious enough and wants to be a Harvard Law Student, she decides to try to get into Harvard Law School herself to see him, and later to prove that she could do it despite the stereotypes she's subject to. At the beginning of the opening credit, you see Elle getting ready in her sorority house. The audience may be under the assumption that Elle is very girly, bubbly, and energetic. The music is also very upbeat which establishes a lighter-hearted mood to this rom-com. The beginning location of this movie is disclosed by the long scene of the sorority girl riding her bike past the other sorority and fraternity houses. The title itself is pink and girly so to speak which contributes to the foreshadowing of Elle's personality.
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